Pick your app

The examples below will be updated with your app ID.

Working with data

Modeling data

In this section we’ll learn how to model data using Instant's schema. By the end of this document you’ll know how to:

  • Create namespaces and attributes
  • Add indexes and unique constraints
  • Model relationships
  • Lock down your schema for production

We’ll build a micro-blog to illustrate; we'll have authors, posts, comments, and tags.

Schema as Code

With Instant you can define your schema and your permissions in code. If you haven't already, use the CLI to generate an instant.schema.ts, and a instant.perms.ts file:

npx instant-cli@latest init

The CLI will guide you through picking an Instant app and generate these files for you.


Now we can define the data model for our blog!

Open instant.schema.ts, and paste the following:

// instant.schema.ts

import { i } from '@instantdb/core';

const _schema = i.schema({
  entities: {
    $users: i.entity({
      email: i.string().unique().indexed(),
    profiles: i.entity({
      nickname: i.string(),
      createdAt: i.date(),
    posts: i.entity({
      title: i.string(),
      body: i.string(),
      createdAt: i.date(),
    comments: i.entity({
      body: i.string(),
      createdAt: i.date(),
    tags: i.entity({
      title: i.string(),
  links: {
    postAuthor: {
      forward: { on: 'posts', has: 'one', label: 'author' },
      reverse: { on: 'profiles', has: 'many', label: 'authoredPosts' },
    commentPost: {
      forward: { on: 'comments', has: 'one', label: 'post' },
      reverse: { on: 'posts', has: 'many', label: 'comments' },
    commentAuthor: {
      forward: { on: 'comments', has: 'one', label: 'author' },
      reverse: { on: 'profiles', has: 'many', label: 'authoredComments' },
    postsTags: {
      forward: { on: 'posts', has: 'many', label: 'tags' },
      reverse: { on: 'tags', has: 'many', label: 'posts' },
    profileUser: {
      forward: { on: 'profiles', has: 'one', label: '$user' },
      reverse: { on: '$users', has: 'one', label: 'profile' },

// This helps Typescript display better intellisense
type _AppSchema = typeof _schema;
interface AppSchema extends _AppSchema {}
const schema: AppSchema = _schema;

export type { AppSchema };
export default schema;

Let's unpack what we just wrote. There are three core building blocks to model data with Instant: Namespaces, Attributes, and Links.

1) Namespaces

Namespaces are equivelant to "tables" in relational databases or "collections" in NoSQL. In our case, these are: $users, profiles, posts, comments, and tags.

They're all defined in the entities section:

// instant.schema.ts

const _schema = i.schema({
  entities: {
    posts: i.entity({
      // ...

2) Attributes

Attributes are properties associated with namespaces. These are equivelant to a "column" in relational databases or a "field" in NoSQL. For the posts entity, we have the title, body, and createdAt attributes:

// instant.schema.ts

const _schema = i.schema({
  entities: {
    // ...
    posts: i.entity({
      title: i.string(),
      body: i.string(),
      createdAt: i.date(),

Typing attributes

Attributes can be typed as i.string(), i.number(), i.boolean(), i.date(), i.json(), or i.any().

i.date() accepts dates as either a numeric timestamp (in milliseconds) or an ISO 8601 string. JSON.stringify(new Date()) will return an ISO 8601 string.

When you type posts.title as a string:

// instant.schema.ts

const _schema = i.schema({
  entities: {
    // ...
    posts: i.entity({
      title: i.string(),
      // ...

Instant will make sure that all title attributes are strings, and you'll get the proper typescript hints to boot!

Unique constraints

Sometimes you'll want to introduce a unique constraint. For example, say we wanted to add friendly URL's to posts. We could introduce a slug attribute:

// instant.schema.ts

const _schema = i.schema({
  entities: {
    // ...
    posts: i.entity({
      slug: i.string().unique(),
      // ...

Since we're going to use post slugs in URLs, we'll want to make sure that no two posts can have the same slug. If we mark slug as unique, Instant will guarantee this constraint for us.

Plus unique attributes come with their own special index. This means that if you use a unique attribute inside a query, we can fetch the object quickly:

const query = {
  posts: {
    $: {
      where: {
        // Since `slug` is unique, this query is 🚀 fast
        slug: 'completing_sicp',

Indexing attributes

Speaking of fast queries, let's take a look at one:

What if we wanted to query for a post that was published at a particular date? Here's a query to get posts that were published during SpaceX's chopstick launch:

const rocketChopsticks = '2024-10-13T00:00:00Z';
const query = { posts: { $: { where: { createdAt: rocketChopsticks } } } };

This would work, but the more posts we create, the slower the query would get. We'd have to scan every post and compare the createdAt date.

To make this query faster, we can index createdAt:

// instant.schema.ts

const _schema = i.schema({
  entities: {
    // ...
    posts: i.entity({
      createdAt: i.date().indexed(), // 🔥,
      // ...

As it says on the tin, this command tells Instant to index the createdAt field, which lets us quickly look up entities by this attribute.

Links connect two namespaces together. When you define a link, you define it both in the 'forward', and the 'reverse' direction. For example:

postAuthor: {
  forward: { on: "posts", has: "one", label: "author" },
  reverse: { on: "profiles", has: "many", label: "authoredPosts" },

This links posts and profiles together:

  • posts.author links to one profiles entity
  • profiles.authoredPosts links back to many posts entities.

Since links are defined in both directions, you can query in both directions too:

// This queries all posts with their author
const query1 = {
  posts: {
    author: {},

// This queries profiles, with all of their authoredPosts!
const query2 = {
  profiles: {
    authoredPosts: {},

Links can have one of four relationship types: many-to-many, many-to-one, one-to-many, and one-to-one

Our micro-blog example has the following relationship types:

  • One-to-one between profiles and $users
  • One-to-many between posts and profiles
  • One-to-many between comments and posts
  • One-to-many between comments and profiles
  • Many-to-many between posts and tags

Cascade Delete

Links defined with has: "one" can set onDelete: "cascade". In this case, when the profile entity is deleted, all post entities will be deleted too:

postAuthor: {
  forward: { on: "posts", has: "one", label: "author", onDelete: "cascade" },
  reverse: { on: "profiles", has: "many", label: "authoredPosts" },

// this will delete profile and all linked posts

Without onDelete: "cascade", deleting a profile would simply delete the links but not delete the underlying posts.

If you prefer to model links in other direction, you can do it, too:

postAuthor: {
  forward: { on: "profiles", has: "many", label: "authoredPosts" },
  reverse: { on: "posts", has: "one", label: "author", onDelete: "cascade" },

Publishing your schema

Now that you have your schema, you can use the CLI to push it to your app:

npx instant-cli@latest push schema

The CLI will look at your app in production, show you the new columns you'd create, and run the changes for you!

Checking for an Instant SDK...
Found @instantdb/react in your package.json.
Planning schema...
The following changes will be applied to your production schema:
ADD ENTITY profiles.id
ADD ENTITY posts.id
ADD ENTITY comments.id
ADD ENTITY tags.id
ADD ATTR profiles.nickname :: unique=false, indexed=false
ADD ATTR profiles.createdAt :: unique=false, indexed=false
ADD ATTR posts.title :: unique=false, indexed=false
ADD ATTR posts.slug :: unique=true, indexed=false
ADD ATTR posts.body :: unique=false, indexed=false
ADD ATTR posts.createdAt :: unique=false, indexed=true
ADD ATTR comments.body :: unique=false, indexed=false
ADD ATTR comments.createdAt :: unique=false, indexed=false
ADD ATTR tags.title :: unique=false, indexed=false
ADD LINK posts.author <=> profiles.authoredPosts
ADD LINK comments.post <=> posts.comments
ADD LINK comments.author <=> profiles.authoredComments
ADD LINK posts.tags <=> tags.posts
ADD LINK profiles.$user <=> $users.profile
? OK to proceed? yes
Schema updated!

Use schema for typesafety

You can also use your schema inside init:

import { init } from '@instantdb/react';

import schema from '../instant.schema.ts';

const db = init({
  appId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_INSTANT_APP_ID!,

When you do this, all queries and transactions will come with typesafety out of the box.

If you haven't used the CLI to push your schema yet, no problem. Any time you write transact, we'll automatically create missing entities for you.

Update or Delete attributes

You can always modify or delete attributes after creating them. You can't use the CLI to do this yet, but you can use the dashboard.

Say we wanted to rename posts.createdAt to posts.publishedAt:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Click "Explorer"
  3. Click "posts"
  4. Click "Edit Schema"
  5. Click createdAt

You'll see a modal that you can use to rename the attribute, index it, or delete it:

Secure your schema with permissions

In the earlier sections we mentioned that new entities and attributes can be created on the fly when you call transact. This can be useful for development, but you may not want this in production.

To prevent changes to your schema on the fly, simply add these permissions to your app.

// instant.perms.ts
import type { InstantRules } from '@instantdb/react';

const rules = {
  attrs: {
    allow: {
      $default: 'false',
} satisfies InstantRules;

export default rules;

Once you push these permissions to production:

npx instant-cli@latest push perms
Checking for an Instant SDK...
Found @instantdb/react in your package.json.
Planning perms...
The following changes will be applied to your perms:
+  attrs: {
+    allow: {
+      $default: "false"
+    }
+  }
OK to proceed? yes
Permissions updated!

You'll still be able to make changes in the explorer or with the CLI, but client-side transactions that try to modify your schema will fail. This means your schema is safe from unwanted changes!

If you've made it this far, congratulations! You should now be able to fully customize and lock down your data model. Huzzah!
