Pick your app

The examples below will be updated with your app ID.

Working with data

Instant on the Backend

You can use Instant on the server as well! This can be especially useful for running scripts, custom auth flows, or sensitive application logic.

Admin SDK

We currently offer a javascript library @instantdb/admin for using Instant in a non-browser context. This library is similar to our client SDK with a few tweaks.


import { init, id } from '@instantdb/admin';

const db = init({
  adminToken: process.env.INSTANT_APP_ADMIN_TOKEN,

Similar to @instantdb/react, you must init before doing any queries or writes. Running init authenticates you against our admin API. In addition to providing your appId, you must also provide your adminToken.

Whereas exposing your appId in source control is fine, it's not safe to expose your admin token. Permission checks will not run for queries and writes from our admin API. Be sure to regenerate your token from your dashboard if it accidentally leaks.

Reading and Writing Data

query and transact let you read and write data as an admin.


const data = await db.query({ goals: {}, todos: {} });
const { goals, todos } = data;

In react we use db.useQuery to enable "live queries", queries that will automatically update when data changes.

In the admin SDK we instead use an async db.query function that simply fires a query once and returns a result.


const res = await db.transact([db.tx.todos[id()].update({ title: 'Get fit' })]);
console.log('New todo entry made for with tx-id', res['tx-id']);

db.transact is an async function that behaves nearly identical to db.transact from @instantdb/react. It returns a tx-id on success.


init also accepts a schema argument:

import { init, id } from '@instantdb/admin';
import schema from '../instant.schema.ts';

const db = init({
  appId: process.env.INSTANT_APP_ID,
  adminToken: process.env.INSTANT_APP_ADMIN_TOKEN,

If you add a schema, db.query and db.transact will come with autocompletion and typesafety out of the box. The backend will also use your schema to generate missing attributes.

To learn more about writing schemas, head on over to the Modeling your data section.

Impersonating users

When you use the admin SDK, you can make any query or transaction. As an admin, you bypass permissions. But, sometimes you want to make queries on behalf of your users, and would like to respect permissions.

You can do this with the db.asUser function.

// Scope by their email
const scopedDb = db.asUser({ email: 'alyssa_p_hacker@instantdb.com' });
// Or with their auth token
const token = db.auth.createToken('alyssa_p_hacker@instantdb.com');
const scopedDb = db.asUser({ token });
// Or use the db as a guest!
const scopedDb = db.asUser({ guest: true });
// Queries and transactions will run with those permissions
await scopedDb.query({ logs: {} });

Retrieve a user

As an admin, you can retrieve an app user record by email, id, or refresh_token. You can do this with the db.auth.getUser function.

const user = await db.auth.getUser({ email: 'alyssa_p_hacker@instantdb.com' });
const user = await db.auth.getUser({
  id: userId,
const user = await db.auth.getUser({
  refresh_token: userRefreshToken,

Delete a user

You can also delete an app user record by email, id, or refresh_token. You can do this with the db.auth.deleteUser function.

const deletedUser = await db.auth.deleteUser({
  email: 'alyssa_p_hacker@instantdb.com',
const deletedUser = await db.auth.deleteUser({
  id: userId,
const deletedUser = await db.auth.deleteUser({
  refresh_token: userRefreshToken,

Note, this only deletes the user record and any associated data with cascade on delete. If there's additional data you need to clean up you'll need to do it manually:

const { goals, todos } = await db.query({
  goals: { $: { where: { creator: userId } } },
  todos: { $: { where: { creator: userId } } },

await db.transact([
  ...goals.map((item) => db.tx.goals[item.id].delete()),
  ...todos.map((item) => tx.todos[item.id].delete()),
// Now we can delete the user
await db.auth.deleteUser({ id: userId });

Sign Out

The db.auth.signOut method allows you to log out a user by invalidating any tokens associated with their email. This can be useful when you want to forcibly log out a user from your application:

try {
  await db.auth.signOut('alyssa_p_hacker@instantdb.com');
  console.log('Successfully signed out');
} catch (err) {
  console.error('Sign out failed:', err.message);

Custom Auth

You can use the Admin SDK to create your own authentication flows. To implement custom auth flows, you would make one change in your backend, and one change in your frontend. Here's how it would look:

1. Backend: db.auth.createToken

Create a new sign-in endpoint in your backend.

This endpoint will use db.auth.createToken to generate an authentication token for the user:

app.post('/sign-in', async (req, res) => {
  // your custom logic for signing users in
  // ...
  // on success, create and return a token
  const token = await db.auth.createToken(email);
  return res.status(200).send({ token });

If a user with this email does not exist, auth.createToken will create a user for you.

Right now we require that every user must have an email. If you need to relax this constraint let us know.

2. Frontend: db.auth.signInWithToken

Once your frontend calls your sign-in endpoint, it can then use the generated token and sign a user in with db.auth.signInWithToken.

Here's a full example:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { init } from '@instantdb/react';

const APP_ID = "__APP_ID__";

const db = init({ appId: APP_ID });

async function customSignIn(
  email: string,
  password: string
): Promise<{ token: string }> {
  const response = await fetch('your-website.com/api/sign-in', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: JSON.stringify({ email, password }),
  const data = await response.json();
  return data;

function App() {
  const { isLoading, user, error } = db.useAuth();
  if (isLoading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;
  if (error) {
    return <div>Uh oh! {error.message}</div>;
  if (user) {
    return <div>Hello {user.email}!</div>;
  return <Login />;

function Login() {
  const [email, setEmail] = useState('');
  const [password, setPassword] = useState('');

  const handleEmailChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {

  const handlePasswordChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {

  const handleSignIn = async () => {
    const data = await customSignIn(email, password); // initiate your custom sign in flow
    db.auth.signInWithToken(data.token); // sign in with the token on success

  return (
        placeholder="Enter your email"
        placeholder="Enter your password"
      <button onClick={handleSignIn}>Sign In</button>

Generating magic codes

We support a magic code flow out of the box. However, if you'd like to use your own email provider to send the code, you can do this with db.auth.generateMagicCode function:

app.post('/custom-send-magic-code', async (req, res) => {
  const { code } = await db.auth.generateMagicCode(req.body.email);
  // Now you can use your email provider to send magic codes
  await sendMyCustomMagicCodeEmail(req.body.email, code);
  return res.status(200).send({ token });

Authenticated Endpoints

You can also use the admin SDK to authenticate users in your custom endpoints. This would have two steps:

1. Frontend: user.refresh_token

In your frontend, the user object has a refresh_token property. You can pass this token to your endpoint:

// client
import { init } from '@instantdb/react';

const db = init(/* ... */)

function App() {
  const { user } = db.useAuth();
  // call your api with `user.refresh_token`
  function onClick() {
    myAPI.customEndpoint(user.refresh_token, ...);

2. Backend: auth.verifyToken

You can then use auth.verifyToken to verify the refresh_token that was passed in.

app.post('/custom_endpoint', async (req, res) => {
  // verify the token this user passed in
  const user = await db.auth.verifyToken(req.headers['token']);
  if (!user) {
    return res.status(400).send('Uh oh, you are not authenticated');
  // ...