Pick your app

The examples below will be updated with your app ID.

Authentication and Permissions

Google OAuth

Instant supports logging in your users with their Google account. We support flows for Web and React Native. Follow the steps below to get started.

Step 1: Configure OAuth consent screen Go to the Google Console.

Click "CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN." If you already have a consent screen, you can skip to the next step.

Select "External" and click "CREATE".

Add your app's name, a support email, and developer contact information. Click "Save and continue".

No need to add scopes or test users. Click "Save and continue" for the next screens. Until you reach the "Summary" screen, click "Back to dashboard".

Step 2: Create an OAuth client for Google From Google Console, click "+ CREATE CREDENTIALS"

Select "OAuth client ID"

Select "Web application" as the application type.

Add https://api.instantdb.com/runtime/oauth/callback as an Authorized redirect URI.

If you're testing from localhost, add both http://localhost and http://localhost:3000 to "Authorized JavaScript origins", replacing 3000 with the port you use. For production, add your website's domain.

Step 3: Register your OAuth client with Instant

Go to the Instant dashboard and select the Auth tab for your app.

Register a Google client and enter the client id and client secret from the OAuth client that you created.

Step 4: Register your website with Instant

In the Auth tab, add the url of the websites where you are using Instant to the Redirect Origins. If you're testing from localhost, add http://localhost:3000, replacing 3000 with the port you use. For production, add your website's domain.

Step 5: Add login to your app

The next sections will show you how to use your configured OAuth client with Instant.

Native Button (Web)

Use Google's pre-styled button to sign in. Using this method you can render your custom app name in the consent screen (Recommended)

Redirect flow (Web)

Easier to integrate, but doesn't let you render your custom app name.

React Native

Add Google OAuth to your RN app with our webflow integration.